

1、RoadMap v1.0
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Rating: 4/5 Penguins

2、GPS Drive
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Rating: 3.5/5 Penguins

Posted by timothy on Tuesday October 12, @02:09AM
from the not-the-only-ways dept.

An anonymous reader writes “Whether you’re wardriving, vacationing or building a Car PC, a Global Positioning System is a handy tool. Interacting with your GPS via your PC makes for an even better GPS experience. As a Linux user, GPS/PC integration can be somewhat sketchy. Vendors don’t write software and drivers for Linux; it’s probably safe to assume that the good folks over at Garmin would say something along the lines of “Lih-what?”. Have no fear! Using your GPS with Linux isn’t impossible! Check out this review over at LinuxForumsDOTorg of two fairly robust GPS navigation programs for Linux.”

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